We only spent a few hours in Biarritz but it was very relaxing and quiet. Although packed with tourists, it was still a nice destination for the afternoon. It smelled like flowers and the sea!
Back in San Sebastain we took a VERY long hike up the hill in this picture. If you look very closely you can see a statue of Jesus at the very top. That was our goal. I know there must be a direct rout with signs and a paved path, but of course the Biasi family took the back way. We always do. It seams like that is a metaphore for our entire life. We always get where we need to go but somehow we take the path you would least expect!
Halfway up the mountain/hill we found this tombstone. It was such a steep path that I think this fellow just didn't make it. I felt like there might need to be a place for me right next to him! It was a hard climb!