Saturday, August 6, 2011


Maria was visiting us in Belgium for most of May but right after she left we had 2 of the the loveliest guests from Marquette University.

Rachel and Katie had just graduated from MU and were making a big tour of Europe! We were so happy to have them at our house. We have known Katie since she was born and are happy to say she has grown into a lovely woman. Her wonderful friend Rachel was a great traveler and guest. They made me laugh so hard I cried! They met cute boys in every town they visited and helped us see Europe from a completely different angle. They saw things in Ghent, London and Venice that I didn't even know about and I have been to those places numerous times.

Rachel celebrated her 23 birthday while she was at our house. We ate fajitas and chocolate cake. Yum. The picture at the top of this post is of Leah, Jenn and Rachel ready to sing the Bday song. Leah took the picture of the cake. It tasted even better than it looks!

Katie and Rachel are heading off to graduate school in the next few weeks. We wish them the best of luck and many fun adventures on their newest journey.


  1. I am shocked by how nice your house looks. It doesn't look like what I've experienced in Belgium homes. Have you ever seen the pictures of where I lived?

  2. Thanks Kelly. I did see pics of your house. It wasn't one that might bring your spirits up when you walk inside but you made the best of it. Most of the houses I visit here in Belgium are quite unique and well put togther. I think you had a bad experience. I hope all is well in the USA!

  3. I have been trying for ages to view your blog but I just can't. How do I get on?

  4. I don't write in my blog anymore. I seem to write when I want to complain or say something negative, which was all the time in Belgium. Now that I'm out of there I don't really have the urge to write much. I'm just content and boring now.
    I still have post traumatic stress :), but oh well.


tailgate memories

Having our twins at the same college was just perfect.  Bob and I were able to enjoy Leah and Jenn and their college journey together.  The...