Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Local signs - Please explain!

I understand this sign. It makes sense. The heart stands for love. I get it. I Love NY.

But this sign below makes no sense to me. I turtle my home? I am my home? I carry my home?
And this one... I cat my cat? These two signs are all over Brussels. They are on every bus stop and at every intersection. We argue about what they mean. We ask for advice from our European friends. Help us figure it out!


  1. Hi Julie,
    Here is a link that I found that talks about the history of Batibouw which is a huge home building/construction convention/fair that they have there in Brussels.

    The history doesn't really explain the message with the turtle in it...just that it is the logo of this particular organization. I am assuming it is suppose to mean something along what you were stating above..."I built my home, or I own my home, etc." since it is a building and construction convention, many people probably end up hiring companies from this to build their future homes. This is my best guess! I had fun trying to figure this one out. Now I am going to see if I can figure out the cat one!

  2. Holy Cow! Randy is the one to go to for problem solving!!


tailgate memories

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