Saturday, March 13, 2010

Jennifer at the Ballet

Here are some beautiful pictures of Jennifer at her ballet recital. Before I explain the recital or why Leah isn't also participating, let me first say that Jennifer is exceptional! I may be a little biased because she is my daughter but I think you can see from the photos that Jennifer is by far the best one in the group! There are two other girls who were on different parts of the stage who are also very good but I am not their mother so I really don't care too much about them. In case you didn't know, Jenn is the dancer with the bangs! Miss Beverly of the famous Stage I Dance Academy (Just writing that makes me smile!)would have never allowed those bangs to hang down. All our girls have Bev to thank for their work ethic and commitment to just about anything they do. They really took to heart her ideals (and ours) that practice, attendance and respect have as much to do with your success as your god given ability.
The recital itself was more of a show consisting of a sample of their daily classes. The Royal Academy of Ballet is centered around technical ability. You learn the basics at your level, are tested by RAB officials yearly and then move on to the next level. Jennifer and Leah are both in the second level of Grade Five. They will be tested this spring (on a school day!) and after passing will move up to Grade Six next fall. They also take a class with girls from a variety of levels on Saturdays to start point.

You may be wondering why Leah isn't pictured. This recital was on the exact weekend of Leah's big opportunity with the Junior Honors Orchestra in London. While Jenn was at dress rehearsals, Leah was at her own rehearsals in London. Leah, Maria and I were back in Brussels just in time to see Jennifer in her Sunday evening performance. And where was Bob? He stayed behind to work in Brussels and be Jenn's taxi to and from rehearsals. I think he also put her hair in a bun but Jenn confided that she had to redo it when she got to the theater! This recital really made us all miss Stage I Dance Academy in Greenwood, Indiana. Bob was even so frustrated with one of the rehearsals that he got up to move scenery around! (Randy-you would have done the same thing!) We have seen the best recitals at Stage I so our recent experience here in Brussels really made us appreciate what we used to have.
It is always fun to watch all the girls do their thing...Softball starts tomorrow!


  1. i just started pointe like a month ago!!!!i love it!!
    love, madeline

  2. Yes, we also miss seeing the girls and all their friends at Stage 1 Dance Recitals. But Jennifer looks great and looks like she knows exactly what is expected of her performance. Lots of experience there. AND hope we see some softball while we are there for graduation.


tailgate memories

Having our twins at the same college was just perfect.  Bob and I were able to enjoy Leah and Jenn and their college journey together.  The...