Thursday, February 23, 2012

Off to Berlin

Here are Jennifer and Leah on their way to Berlin, Germany.  Yesterday morning they flew off to participate in the Junior Honor Orchestra at the International School of Berlin.  Bob and I will follow on Friday.  We will see all of Berlin like a tourist and stay at a posh hotel while the girls practice with a guest conductor from the University of Minnesota and sleep at the home of a Berlin student.  On Saturday we will meet up at the celebration concert to listen to the beautiful music they have practiced since October.  It is such an honor to be involved in this program and the concert will be very special.  The girls will get to see Berlin too with the orchestra members throughout the week. 

We took this picture in the parking garage at the airport.  How exciting!  As we were parking, I asked the girls if I could take their picture before they left.  They said yes, of course, and suggested in the kindest tone that we take the picture right in the parking garage.  They were very sweet but I know what they were really thinking...Please don't embarrass us and take pictures inside the  airport! 

The have checked in to say they love Berlin, love their host family and are having a great time!


  1. Did you get my email where I reworked this pic and another one?

  2. ???What??? I had better clean out my email and check it out!!


tailgate memories

Having our twins at the same college was just perfect.  Bob and I were able to enjoy Leah and Jenn and their college journey together.  The...