Monday, March 26, 2012

10 extra minutes

Right now I am waiting for my brownies to come out of the oven, then I have to pick up the twins at school.  I put those brownies in 35 minutes ago but they just don't seem to be cooking fast enough!  They need 10 extra minutes.

This made me think of time...It really flies by.  We have lived here in Belgium for 4 years and the time has just gone by so fast.  When we moved here the twins were 10 years old and in 5th grade.  Now they are teenagers.  When Bob and I picked them up back stage after their orchestra concert in Berlin, we witnessed 2 boys offering to carry their instruments for them!  Oh my gosh!  I was shocked but probably shouldn't have been.  They are cute girls.

Back in 2008 Maria was just turning 17 and a Junior in High School.  She was young and impressionable but handled the move well.  Now she just visits us on her breaks from Purdue University.  And for this last trip she brought her boyfriend with her!  I was shocked but probably shouldn't have been.  It was bound to happen sometime.

Bob and I haven't change too much but we have evolved a little.  We learned how to eat mussels and drink Belgian beer.  I can read mail in Flemish.  Bob can navigate any airport in any foreign city.  Together we learned to make excellent coffee one cup at a time and find really tasty wine.  I was shocked at how easily we built a life in Europe but probably shouldn't have been.  We have always been able to adjust to new situations.

And now we are moving back to the United States and our home.  I am shocked but I really shouldn't be.  This beautiful vacation had to end sometime.  When we were in Venice, it was so hard to leave.  I wanted to soak up all the sun and beauty.  As I gazed up at the Eiffel Tower in  Paris I knew I probably wouldn't see it again.  I wanted to spend a few more minutes there too.  I am sure the next few months will be bittersweet knowing I get to move back to the comfort of home but also knowing I have to give up the excitement and history of Europe. 

Like those brownies that just aren't cooking in my oven, I think I need more time too.  I need to remember to spend 10 extra minutes with all the things I will see in Europe for one last time...  10 extra minutes at the Neuhaus chocolate outlet,10 extra minutes at the famous Delirium Bar, 10 extra minutes at my lunch spots Jummy and the Country Inn,  10 extra minutes at Mannekin Pis, 10 extra minutes at Grande Place, 10 extra minutes at ISB, 10 extra minutes...



  1. 10 extra minutes with your friends there too.

  2. As my spiritual teacher likes to say: the problem is, we think we have time.

    Cherish your memories.

  3. What a wonderful experience for you and your family Julie! I remember talking to Bob about the move and thinking to myself what a nerve racking, fun, exciting, scary experience that would be! It is so great that you all were able to do this and that you were able to share your experiences with all of us! Yes, spend those extra 10 minutes at all of those places, but also know that you have lots of folks stateside who are excited for your return!


tailgate memories

Having our twins at the same college was just perfect.  Bob and I were able to enjoy Leah and Jenn and their college journey together.  The...