Friday, August 8, 2008

Snails and Sandals

Slimey creatures!The picture of the snail is just a sample of the ones that hang out around our house. Every morning the girls can gather at least 6 that are crawling up the house or around the sidewalk. The shells are beautiful. Bob wanted me to add a picture of him wearing sandals. He is trying to be European even though he bought the sandals at Target in Greenwood, Indiana!


  1. Yes, Bob definitely looks very Euro! Nice legs by the way!

  2. Hi! I wish I could email you back, something a bit more personal, but alas, blogger is a bit limited.

    I feel so touched by your comment. I really look forward to meeting you and your family this month. Please feel free to come up to my room and introduce yourself (I am on the top floor - Lyndsay Kirkham).

    I am planning on trying to set up a book club through the parent association for ex pats - so maybe we could also hook up through there. Be well and continue to enjoy your settling in! (good to see you guys found the water park!)

    Again, thank you for your kind words. Such beautiful sentiments are a great way for me to start my year.


tailgate memories

Having our twins at the same college was just perfect.  Bob and I were able to enjoy Leah and Jenn and their college journey together.  The...