Thursday, August 28, 2008

Update-I'm not complaining, really I'm not.

I still don't have a dryer.

Did you know it takes 3 days for jeans to dry without the assistance of hot air or sun?

I still don't have TV.

A man came yesterday from the cable company just to make sure I still didn't have the cable hookup. He couldn't install it or answer any questions. His job was just to check that I did't have it. It was confirmed that I don't have TV. Duh.

But...The girls loved their first day of school and I get to go to Amsterdam and Almere this weekend so I will quit complaining.


  1. I just found out about a website to watch free tv shows and I think some movies. Thought you might enjoy.

    I haven't checked it out yet but I hope it entertains you while you're waiting for cable.

  2. Clothes do take forever here don't there? I was actually considering buying a dryer (despite my eco heart)....I just can't rely on ONE load of laundry to dry a must be worse for you...all the girls and you and your husband. Yikes!


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