Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Here are some things I really NEED to do while our family lives in Europe:

1) Visit 10 countries.

That may seem like a lofty goal, but it is actually quite obtainable. We have already been to 4 countries, 6 more to go!

2) Have friends from the US visit us.

Totally out of my control. Mom is coming on Friday! Yeah! I hope she is the first of many visitors. Flights are cheaper. Start planning your trip.

3) Learn how to speak another language.

Ik spreek een betche Nederlands! Ik woon in Overijse. Ik kan afscheid nemen. Ik kan vragen stellen om een man of een vrouw. Uit welk land kom jij? Goedenavond!

4) Figure out public transportation.

I am not sure why this is so hard for me. I haven't stepped foot on a bus, tram or train since I moved here. (This should have been at the top of the list.)

5) Master driving in a foreign country.

Complete! With the GPS, I can go anywhere.

Now here are the things I really don't want to do while we live in Europe:

1) Have a car accident.

People here drive in a very crazy way. It is only a matter of time before I have a fender bender. Maybe I should concentrate on mastering #4 above and I could decrease my chances!

2) Get sick.

Wouldn't it be great if none of the kids ever had a cold, sinus infection or cough while we're here? Then I wouldn't even have to figure out how to go through the entire doctor process. My own medical concerns are in a different category. I think I have already had my episode of getting a catastrophic illness away from home. So chances are, I won't have to worry about it happening again. Optimism is always best!

3) Get locked out of the house.

Who would I call? We need to hide a key somewhere.

4) Get robbed.

Note to self: Hide the key in a really good place!


  1. Your first four needs match mine. I'm already listing out the countries I want to see. I know at least my parents and one of my friends will visit while I'm there. I'll probably try to learn French. And I'm going to need to depend on public transportation, since we probably won't have a car. I'm also adding to my list that I'd like to make friends that live in Belgium, both expats and natives.

  2. Julie,
    I just wrote a long comment, which was promptly lost when I tried to post it. My fault I am sure.

    Sorry to be short, but now I am on my way to school for a meeting.

    We need to get in touch! Write me at bechaugen@swhaugen.com

    Hope to see you soon,
    Beccy and Stu


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