Tuesday, June 9, 2015

One way to get your kids to visit...

One way to get your kids to visit is to get really really sick. On the Wednesday before Mother's Day my Dad called to say my Mom was in the hospital. Things escalated fast and before we new it she was in ICU. It was scary.  I knew things were really bad when my brother called to say he was flying home from Denver. I made the 4 hour drive to be with Mom too. This story isn't really about Mon being sick but more about Mom getting well, which she did. Go Mom!

While we were sitting in Mom's hospital room, it dawned on us that it was just the 4 of us like it was when Brad and I were little. We had so much fun. We laughed and laughed telling old stories and new ones too. It was odd being together without the rest of Brad and my families. I doubt that we will ever have that experience again. I will never forget that weekend with just the 4 of us. It was rare and special and the best Mother's Day we could have ever given Mom. 

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